It includes a list of over 2,500 packages available for install, and users can add any GitHub or BitBucket repository themselves. As you probably noticed on the homepage, Package Control is the Sublime Text package manager. Best and Secure JSON Pretty Print works well in Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.Ībout.
Install Package Click Tools -> Command Pallets (or Ctrl + Shift + P) or click Preferenes -> Package Control, select Package Control: Install Package. NOTE: Not necessary if you already have Package Control install. JSON Pretty Print helps Pretty JSON data and Print JSON data. Install Package Control Click Tools -> Command Pallets (or Ctrl + Shift + P), select Install Package Control. Shortcut to install with the command palette: CTRL+SHIFT+p, type install > Package Control: Install Package > package name Note the name of your conda env or create a new one conda create -name exampleenv python3. When we parse JSON, it means we are converting the string into a JSON object by following the specification, where we can subsequently use in whatever way we want. Open Sublime Text 3 and ensure you have package control, Sublime REPL and Project Manager. Parsing JSON means interpreting the data with whatever language u are using at the moment. Done!Īlso, what is JSON parsing? JSON is a format specification as mentioned by the rest. If you have this already, then just hit command+shift+p and type “package control: install package”, and then type “ pretty” and select Pretty JSON. Sublime-package” into ~/Library/Application Support/ Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages. Simply so, how do I use pretty JSON sublime? type prettify, select HTML-CSS-JS Prettify.type install, select Package Control: Install Package.Type ‘install’ in the Command Palette input box, which should autocomplete to ‘ Install Package Control. Open the Command Palette: Press Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+P (OS X). Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P in Linux/Windows/OS X. Steps for Installing Package Control (Sublime Text 3): Start Sublime Text 3.